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View from the West Coast Memorial in the Presidio in California

West Coast Memorial

Plan your visit to West Coast Memorial

Getting There

The West Coast Memorial is located within the Presidio,a national park site within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and a National Historic Landmark District.


The West Coast Memorial is located within the Presidio. The Presidio is open 24 hours a day, year round.

Admission is FREE and does not require booking in advance.
San Francisco
United States

The Presidio is located just south of the Golden Gate Bridge, along Route 101. The West Coast Memorial is located at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Kobb Avenue within the Presidio, and near the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The Presidio is accesible form many points in San Francisco by shuttle, bus or train. Once at the Presidio, there is a free shuttle. Visit the Presidio’s website for the most up-to-dateinformation on shuttle schedules.

Burial Search

More than 200,000 fallen service members are honored at an ABMC site. Search the burial database.


Contact Us

West Coast Memorial
San Francisco
United States