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Students honor fallen with living tribute at Florence American Cemetery

Published October 3, 2024

Florence American Cemetery Superintendent Eryth Zecher told the story of Pvt. Milton Arthur Scott Oct. 2 during her remarks for the Be the Difference – Never Again living tribute at the cemetery. Scott, a husband and father of twin boys, swimming instructor, college graduate, and life-saving blood donor for his wife, is just one of the service members buried at the site and remembered during the event.

Approximately 100 students were provided information prior to the event on service members buried at Florence American Cemetery so they could learn more about stories such as Scott’s. Upon arrival at the cemetery, each student and other participants stood next to the graves of the service members whose stories they researched. Members of the public and other local associations also participated in the event.

Ceremony participants stand under a tent at the cemetery. In the background others stand beside headstones.
In the background, students and other participants stand next to graves at the Florence American Cemetery. The event was intended to be a living tribute to the service members and a chance for students to learn more about their stories. In the foreground, participants in the ceremony include Rabbi Joseph Levi, Rabbi of Florence (Ret.); Daniela A. Ballard, U.S. Consul General, Florence; Elizabeth Bettina and Michael Wright, co-founders of Be the Difference.

According to Be the Difference – Never Again, the event was to offer the students an opportunity to reflect on the lives of the service members who were often the same age as the students at the time of their service. Students from Lipscomb University, Harding University and Syracuse University participated in the event.

“Private Milton Arthur Scott is but one of the 5,800 honored at Florence American Cemetery, each with a story to be told, each with dreams of a future that would never be realized,” said Zecher during her remarks. “Each, a sacrifice to be remembered. We are here today, commemorating them, ensuring that their sacrifice will never be forgotten, and that, ‘time will not dim the glory of their deeds.’”

Remarks were also provided by Elizabeth Bettina, Be the Difference – Never Again co-founder, and Daniela A. Ballard, U.S. Consul General in Florence. Students also read three service members’ stories as part of the program.

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About ABMC

The American Battle Monuments Commission operates and maintains 26 cemeteries and 31 federal memorials, monuments and commemorative plaques in 17 countries throughout the world, including the United States. 

Since March 4, 1923, the ABMC’s sacred mission remains to honor the service, achievements, and sacrifice of more than 200,000 U.S. service members buried and memorialized at our sites. 

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