Brittany American Cemetery will host its annual Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 3 p.m. Attendance is free and open to the public.
If you are a family member of someone who is honored at the cemetery and you are planning to attend the ceremony, please email the cemetery at least two weeks prior to the event.
Strong security measures will be implemented by the local Governmental officials for the ceremony. Traffic restrictions will be in place on all roads leading to the site on that day from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. A hub will be set up to transport guests by bus or shuttle to the ceremony site. Attendees should make plans to arrive well in advance due to these security measures and due to high visitation expected for the event.
For more information regarding access to the site, please contact the town of Saint-James:
For any questions regarding the ceremony, please feel free to contact our cemetery staff.
Des mesures de sécurité strictes seront mises en œuvre par la Préfecture de la Manche pour la cérémonie du Memorial Day qui se tiendra au Brittany American Cemetery le lundi 27 mai 2024.
Des restrictions de circulation seront mises en place sur toutes les routes menant au site ce jour-là de 12h00 à 18h00. Un point de rassemblement (Espace Le Conquérant – Saint-James) sera proposé pour transporter les personnes en bus ou en navette jusqu’au site de la cérémonie. Les participants doivent prévoir d’arriver en avance en raison de ces mesures de sécurité et du nombre élevé de visiteurs attendus pour l’événement.
Pour plus d’informations concernant l’accès au site, veuillez contacter la ville de Saint-James :