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Pointe du Hoc Ranger Monument

Beginning August 1, 2024, the platform on top of the Observation Bunker at Pointe du Hoc will be closed to the public due to visitor safety and preservation concerns. Access to the interior of the Observation Bunker and path around the front of the structure will be permitted.

Discover the History of Pointe du Hoc Ranger Monument


By mid-1944, German forces manned formidable defenses along the French coast. Of concern to the Allies were German 155mm artillery positions on Pointe du Hoc. They could wreak havoc on Utah and Omaha Beaches. Lt. Col. James E. Rudder, commanding the 2nd Ranger Battalion, received the mission to land at 6:30 a.m., scale the 100 foot cliffs, and disable the German positions. Lt. Col. Max F. Schneider’s 5th Ranger Battalion would follow and reinforce them.

June 6, 5:50 a.m.: Naval bombardment of Pointe du Hoc began, including guns of the battleship USS Texas. Three companies (70 men per) of Rudder’s 2nd Ranger Battalion were to land at Pointe du Hoc at 6:30 a.m., but were delayed. Per plan, Schneider’s command (plus three companies of the 2nd) joined the Omaha Beach assault.

June 6, 7:10 a.m.: Two landing craft were lost, but the Rangers debarked and started up the cliffs. They pressed upward, supported by the destroyer USS Satterlee. One of the Rangers’ DUKWs was disabled by enemy fire en route to Pointe du Hoc. The engine failed. Three Rangers were casualties, including one killed.

June 6, 7:40 a.m.: Most of the remaining Rangers reached the top.

June 6, 9:30 a.m.: The Germans had previously moved the guns southward from their initial prepared positions. Despite fierce resistance, Rangers found and destroyed the guns pushing onward to cut the highway south of Pointe du Hoc.

June 6-8: After fighting two days, only about 90 Rangers stood when relieved by Schneider’s Rangers and the 29th Division from Omaha Beach.

Burial Search

More than 200,000 fallen service members are honored at an ABMC site. Search the burial database.

Trip Planning Resources


Contact Us

Pointe du Hoc Ranger Monument
14450 Cricqueville-en-Bessin
+33 (0)2 31 51 62 00